The art of food. Simple and full of flavours.

Again and again

Lazy sunday

Am I that lazy or what’s the day today? Oh yeah, today is sunday. I hate sundays pretty often cos I’am tired from all the week in work or from the party last night.  So, here is my idea.

Everything you need is 30 minutes of your “expensive sunday time” , two whole camemberts, self-raising flour, olive oil, some olives, fresh mint or whatever for tea and some seeds if you want. First put the flour in a bowl, following by olive oil and warm water. Mix it together well and leave on floured surface just for the time you need for camemberts.

Remove all the plastic from packaging and leave just the paper ones. Cut the cheese to quarters, quavers or so and insert some herbs. Dried or fresh, no matter, but thyme is absolutely great. Fresh chillies on top and drizzle of olive oil. Then back to your bread.

 Do a flat shape from your dough and add about 70g of chopped olives. Push them gently in to your dough and form a nice ball. Take a wooden spoon and do nice quarter portions on the loaf. If you have, top with some seeds.

Bread needs about 25 minutes, so add the cheese for the last ten minutes and you’re done. The cheese has a great crust on the top and it’s nice and soft in the middle as well as bread. Amazing brown crust and chewy olives.

Did you know? Simple things, superb tastes and amazing flavours now living together.

Every sunday, in your kitchen.


is amazing shaped and nice coloured piece of veggie. Stuffed with chopped tomatoes, garlic and mince, placed on the warm salad with nuts and fruits.

Going bad without desert and never forget to use soya mince, that’s for sure!

Looks like a wrecked Italian cruise.

Can you say tvarůžky?

Have you ever been in Czech Republic? Can you say tvarůžky?

Amazing word for amazing smelly cheese from Olomouc. Actually, you can buy them all around the country. Give them a rest in a fridge or some cool place for about one week or more and don’t worry about them. When they will be soft, kind of sticky and very smelly, that’s the point.

One of the traditional ways is fried in breadcrumbs with mash potato and butter on the top. Perfect with salad. Or simply on the fresh bread with butter and onions.

Still can’t say tvarůžky??  30min



Oven is my good friend. Hopefully, she feels the same….

Tofu and potatoes baked on herbs and garlic. Do you need a recipe? 15 min prepare, 1hour to bake. Remember the beer!

Scottish breakfast?

Eggs and bacon. Classic. Add some “morning fantasy” and there you are. Star breakfast.

Toast three slices of bread, fry two eggs, bacon and cut the star. Five minutes.

Dart Vader shaped toast wins!

You’re welcome

I really do

love  thinks, stuffs or whatever makes your life easier, having fun and makes you happy. And not only you.

Everything on this blog, every letter, every word and every picture going from my head, throw the lens of my camera. I wanna share my passion about cooking and thinks around.
I am 20 and I wanna be a good chef. And this is my way.
Simple, creative and full off flavours.

I don’t know, what’s better than freshly baked bread at saturday morning. When your girlfriend is still in bed and you just open the door. You have a large plate with warm bread baked by yourself with love for her. Grab a cube of softened butter and kettle of hot tea in winter time , warm tea at early spring and for summer? Fresh fruity juice, off course.

And that’s it. That’s what I’m talking about. Simple things like bread, made from things you always have in your kitchen and your day starting absolutely fantastic.

And that’s not only bread. There are many ways, easier than frozen chips, fastfood or what people eating in this crazy world. But I don’t care about them.

I just want to show, how simpel, delicious, funny or even healthy cooking is. I’m not professional. I’m sorry.
